Wednesday, October 31, 2007

High Heels

Does it give you just the height and trend? Is it just a fashion statement? Or it breaks your back too???? Well.... We all girls wear cute, lovely, pretty heels. Usually to party's.. and we don't walk much when we're in party. Probably thats the reason why we don't notice that it hurts our backs. Not only it hurts our backs, it can injure the feet, ankles, calves and knees. The higher the heel, the greater your risk of falling, spraining a muscle, and other types of injuries. To avoid falling, you should also be sure that your heels aren't too tight or too loose.

So girls out there... Be careful when you choose heels. And extra careful when you are wearing them....


DhiKing said...

girlz its really cute whe u wear them... hehe but b careful

My Ɛ-JoůrnåL said...

kool post! gud advice! keep it up n keep blogging baby sis... all the best! :D